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3505E Parsec

A VEX Robotics Team


Parsec 3505E is a VEX robotics team from Mississauga made up of 16 members including team members and mentors. We are a part of an organization called Zebra Robotics which was founded in 2014 and thrives to empower people with robotics, coding, and technology. We participate in the VEX Robotics Competition (VRC), an international robotics competition that challenges teams to design and build a robot to compete against other robots in varying tasks each season. Competitions start locally and expand to a provincial and eventually international level, with teams from all across the world.


Parsec comes from Zebra Robotics, a STEM education school spanning dozens of locations and 3+ nations. Being in an environment that allows exposure to youth of all ages that are interested in STEAM, Parsec has been a leader at Zebra, providing guidance and assistance to younger students who are excited about what we do. We strive to continue to be a role model in both our organization and wider communities, by creating a space where everyone can be the best by learning from the best.


Fun Tech Showcases

Our team showcased an interactive booth with our VEX Tipping Point robot at a tech fun event to show what it means to participate in these robotics competitions. In addition, we allowed participants to do these mini challenges that we created to immerse them in all that robotics and VEX has to offer.

GEARS Workshops

We helped organize girls in engineering, arts, robotics, and science (GEARS) workshops with female speakers that are in the STEAM industry to influence girls into becoming more aware of the limitless possibilities in the different STEAM fields.

Science Rendezvous

We participated at the yearly Science Rendezvous event hosted by the University of Toronto and within our own booth demonstrated a robot our team had built. Not only did we successfully engage adults and children alike about what it means to be a member of our team, we also showed how we want to impact the STEAM field, beyond just the competitive scene.


We hosted our very own event at Zebra Robotics: a virtual hackathon for students of different ages. Our members hosted, judged and made this whole event come to life. This was our way of making a lasting impact during the pandemic, while maintaining the safety of everyone involved.





Won the Judges Award and became tournament finalist


Won Regional Build Award, Provincial Design Award, and became Worlds Qualifiers